School Health Services
Welcome back to school! Every school has a school nurse assigned either full or part time. School nurses identify and assist students with their health-care needs during the school day. A clinic card is sent home with each student at the beginning of every school year. Please complete the cards promptly with the important health and contact information and update the information as often as needed.
Medications should be taken at home whenever possible. If medications (both prescription and over the counter) are required at school, a medication card must be completed each year.
Each year the State of Florida requires that all students in grades K-1-3-6 have a vision and hearing screening, and a height and weight screen to calculate the BMI (Body Mass Index). Students in grade 6 will be screened for scoliosis. If you do not want your child to participate in these screenings, you must notify the school in writing.
If you have any questions regarding health/nursing services, please contact your school nurse or call the Administration office at 727-588-6320.
Rita Becchetti, MHS, RN, BC
Supervisor, School Health Services
Pinellas County Schools
Pinellas County school nurses identify and assist students with health-care needs during the school day. A clinic card is sent home with each student at the beginning of every school year. Please complete this card promptly and update the information as often as needed.
During this school year, students will be screened for vision, hearing, and BMI as mandated by state statute. If you do not want your student to be screened or to receive health services while in school, please submit this request in writing to your school and School Health Services. For questions regarding nursing services or screenings, please call 727-588-6320.
Thanks for your help!
Rita Becchetti, MHS, RN, BC
Supervisor, School Health Services
Pinellas County Schools